The silent witnesses of the devastating Wayanad landslides have emerged – CCTV footage from a church in Mundakkai and a shop in Chooralmala. The chilling recordings capture the intense rainfall that unleashed the disaster on July 30, revealing the sheer force of the water as it swept away goods and buildings in its path.
Footage shows the intense rainfall that pounded the area on the night of the disaster. The CCTV footage from the shop reveals how the rushing waters swept away goods, destroying the shop and the nearby buildings.
Meanwhile, relief and rehabilitation efforts continue in the affected areas with the state government striving to bring normalcy to the lives of survivors. Despite the continued search and rescue operations, the district administration confirmed that 119 people remain missing, with the list still under review. Financial assistance is being provided to families for cremation and burial, while those hospitalised are also receiving support. The landslides claimed over 200 lives and injured many.