Rudrapur: In a shocking incident in Uttarakhand’s Udham Singh Nagar, a man killed his wife by injecting snake venom to claim the insurance sum of 25 lakhs. This incident came to the fore when the accused, identified as Shubham Chaudhary, informed the parents of his wife Saloni on 10 August that she died of snake bite while she was asleep.
Brother-in-law complained to the police
Smelling a rat in this incident, Shubham’s brother-in-law, Ajeet Singh, lodged a complaint on 11 August alleging that she was killed by her husband by injecting poison to claim the insured money of 25 lakhs. According to the police, the post mortem report of Saloni also confirmed that she died of snake bite. Deceased’s brother also alleged Shubham for abusing Saloni mentally and physically as he has illicit relationship with a woman Neema and he started pressurising Saloni for divorce to marry Neema.
Despite several panchayats held over the issue, Shubham’s behaviour remained same
Saloni’s brother further claimed that Shubham killed Saloni on Aug 11, less than a month after applying for a Rs 25 lakh insurance policy in her name on July 15. Singh said Shubham named himself the nominee and paid a Rs 2 lakh premium to the insurance company. According to Harendra Chaudhary, Inspector Jaspur police station, “We had started investigation after a complaint registered by the deceased’s brother who alleged his brother-in-law for murdering his sister by injecting snake’s venom to claim insurance money worth 25 lakhs.” Village Panchayat members also warned Shubham to stop his misbehavior with his wife but he didn’t mend his ways and continued abusing Saloni.
A murder case has been registered
Police also lodged a FIR on Tuesday against Shubham, his parents and one other person under BNS Section 103(1) over Saloni Chaudhary’s death. The case was initially registered as a suspicious death however it has now been upgraded to a murder investigation after Ajit’s complaint. Saloni’s viscera has been sent for further examination to gather evidence against Shubham. Inspector Chaudhary also said, “Post mortem report has revealed that Saloni died of snake bite but we have started investigating the case from all angles.”