Dehradun: Following instructions from Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, the Uttarakhand government has removed IFS officer Rahul from his position as Director of Rajaji National Park. This action was presented to the Supreme Court, resulting in the dismissal of an ongoing petition. Rahul has now been reassigned as Chief Forest Conservator, overseeing monitoring, evaluation, IT, and modernization.
The Uttarakhand government informed the supreme court of this development on Wednesday, leading the court to dismiss an ongoing petition related to the matter.
Emerging controversies prompted immediate attention from the CM
According to sources in the forest department, immediate action was taken to remove IFS officer Rahul from his post following strict instructions from Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami. The issue of Rahul’s reinstatement emerged after a series of transfers within the state forest department, which led to his appointment as Director of Rajaji National Park. The ensuing controversies drew the government’s attention, prompting swift action to address the matter.
Forest department removed Rahul from his role on September 3
Following Chief Minister Dhami’s directives, the forest department removed Rahul from his position on September 3. He has been reassigned as Chief Forest Conservator, responsible for monitoring, evaluation, IT, and modernization. The deputy secretary of the forest department issued formal orders for this change.
The apex court dismissed the petition
During Wednesday’s Supreme Court hearing, the government presented this information, leading to the dismissal of the petition. This action has effectively resolved the controversy surrounding the matter. Senior lawyer ANS Nadkarni, presented the state government side in the court. Mr. Nadkarni defended the Chief Minister’s decision, stating that the Uttarakhand CM acted within his rights. He argued before the court that the CM has the discretion to make such appointments. IFS Rahul was removed from the post of Corbett Tiger Reserve chief in 2020 over allegations of illegal felling and unauthorized constructions inside the national park.