Ghaziabad: In a shocking incident, several people living in slums in the Kavinagar area of Ghaziabad were allegedly attacked by members of Hindu Raksha Dal, accusing them of being Bangladeshis. The people were reportedly beaten up with sticks. Not only were their huts destroyed but their belongings were set on fire.
The group had earlier issued a 24-hour “ultimatum” to the Centre, urging it to take action against reported atrocities on Hindus in Bangladesh. When things did not improve in the neighbouring country, members of the group took matters into their own hands on Saturday. They attacked slum areas in the locality, leading to several houses being destroyed and driving people away.
Case filed at Madhuban Bapudham police station
Sharing details, Sub-Inspector Sanjeev Kumar said that the case was filed at Madhuban Bapudham police station against the group’s national president, Bhupendra Chaudhary, and around twenty other unidentified individuals, a report by Free Press Journal said.
The FIR filed in the case said that Chaudhary and other members of his group destroyed their property. They also ignored police explanations saying that residents were not from Bangladesh. The police said that those inside the huts were from Shahjahanpur district of Uttar Pradesh.
Earlier on August 7, Chaudhary released a video threatening similar actions against Bangladeshis in India and attacks on Hindus do not stop in Bangladesh. He also condemned the worldwide silence on the situation. He also threatened to target Bangladeshis living in India if violence continued in Bangladesh.
The next day, the group extended their violence to Delhi. They attacked slum residents in the Shastri Park area, accusing them of being Bangladeshis. After the incident, the Delhi Police took note of the incident and said they would take needed action.