New Delhi: In a shocking incident that has come to fore from Uttar Pradesh, a postal officer took his own life at his home in Aligarh a day after the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) raided the post office where he was employed in Bulandshahr. The probe agency had visited the office in connection with an investigation into alleged embezzlement of crores of rupees, NDTV reported.
The main post office of Bulandshahr was raided by the anti-corruption wing of the CBI on Tuesday night. There were allegations that more than eight employees of the post office demanded bribes. These also included an ex-field officer.
The deceased Superintendent Tribhuvan Pratap Singh died by suicide at his home in Aligarh on Wednesday morning. He used a licensed pistol to take his own life. It is suspected that the officer was “extremely stressed” because of the raid, the report added.
But the family refused to believe that he was under stress due to the raid. They claimed that he was being harassed by a woman and some officers who were exerting pressure on him to work for them.
A suicide note purportedly written by the deceased postal superintendent was shared by his brother Prempal Singh. The note was written in Hindi on a paper which had his official letterhead. In the note, Singh alleged that several colleagues were trying to force him to work as per their directions.
Prempal Singh said that his brother shared the note on an office WhatsApp group. The colleagues of the superintendent forwarded the note, after which the family rushed to his Aligarh house. The house was locked from inside and when they broke it open, Tribhuvan was found dead inside, Prempal claimed. His body has been sent for postmortem examination. Police have initiated an investigation.
Meanwhile, the purported suicide note, which is addressed to Aligarh’s Senior Superintendent of Police, has gone viral on social media platforms.