New Delhi: The sole arrested accused in the RG Kar rape and murder case appeared “unnerved and anxious” during the two-hour questioning by CBI, reported the Times of India. The federal agency said that Roy gave “false and unconvincing answers” during the polygraph test conducted on him.
‘Victim already dead when I saw her’
The test was conducted in Presidency jail by four CBI officials.
Roy allegedly said that in was under the influence of alcohol when he saw the victim and that she was already dead at that time. He also said that he ran in panic after seeing the body adding that he was innocent.
Polygraph tests on four junior doctors and a civic volunteer too
Meanwhile, polygraph tests will be conducted on four junior doctors and a civic volunteer over the next few days.
A 31-year-old female PGT doctor was brutally raped and murdered in the seminar hall of R G Kar Medical College and Hospital on August 9. Post-mortem report confirmed that the sexual assault. Sanjay Roy, a civil volunteer, was arrested the next day.