Chennai: The Tamil Nadu Directorate of Medical Services suspended the registration of two hospitals in Chennai. Mount Multispecialty Hospital in Adambakkam faced cancellation after inadequate medical care led to an 11-year-old boy losing a limb. Meanwhile, Pride Super Speciality Hospital in Perambur had its registration suspended due to involvement in illegal organ trade.
Medical negligence: 11-year-old boy loses limb due to incorrect treatment
A 11 year old boy from Velachery, Chennai was treated at a private hospital in Adambakkam, Chennai after suffering from leg pain for a few days. The doctors have allegedly removed the boy’s leg saying that the boy’s leg must be removed or the boy’s life will be in danger. Shocked by this, the boy’s father complained to the police station that his son’s leg was amputated due to improper treatment and the complaint was investigated.
The investigation revealed that the hospital was operating without proper permits and lacked adequate medicines and emergency doctors. Following this, the accreditation of the hospital has been revoked.
The Director of Medical Services has ordered an explanation from Mount Multispecialty Hospital regarding the boy’s treatment within 15 days.
Illegal Organ trade: Chennai hospital under fire
Similarly, Pride Super Speciality Hospital in Perambur, Chennai had its registration suspended due to involvement in illegal organ trade. An investigation revealed that the hospital conducted a commercial kidney transplant, violating ethical practices.
Sundaram, a 42-year-old resident of Pallipalayam, Namakkal district, allegedly received a kidney commercially through an intermediary and underwent a transplant at Pride Multi-Purpose Hospital in Pulianthoppu, Chennai, on October 29, 2023. The kidney was transplanted to a businessman from Chaukarpet, Chennai.
Following a tip-off from the Namakkal District Superintendent of Police, the Directorate of Medical and Rural Welfare launched an investigation, revealing that illegal organ transplants were being carried out at Pride Multi-Purpose Hospital, also known as Muthu Hospital.
The investigation has led to the suspension of the hospital’s registration, and further action is expected against those involved in the illegal organ trade.
Both hospitals have been accused of serious medical negligence and unethical practices, putting patient safety at risk. The hospitals lacked facilities for emergency care and specialist doctors, including cardiology.