Chennai: Actor-turned-politician Vijay today unveiled the symbol and anthem for his newly formed political party, Tamilaga Vetri Kazhagam (TVK). The party’s bi-color flag, featuring red & yellow stripes, prominently displays the ‘Vaagai’ flower as its central motif, flanked by two elephants. During the event, Vijay administered the party’s oath and said that the party’s first conference will be held soon.
Tamil Nadu Vetri Kazhagam Unveils Party Flag and Song
Tamil Nadu Vetri Kazhagam, a political party led by Vijay, has introduced its official flag and released a flag song. The party’s flag was hoisted at its office in Panayur, marking a significant milestone in its political journey.
TVK flag meaning
The flag features the “Vaagai” flower & the Tamil phrase “Pirapokkum Ella Uyirkkum,” symbolizing victory and equality. This launch marks a significant milestone as Vijay prepares for the 2026 Tamil Nadu Assembly elections.
The two coloured flag has red on top and bottom, yellow in the middle with two fighting elephants & Vaagai flower. Warriors of ancient Tamil kingdoms wore Vaagai flower garlands to symbolize victory.
Flag Song Lyrics Emphasize Patriotism and Unity
The flag song, written by lyricist Vivek, instills patriotism and emphasizes the connection between the people and their leader. The lyrics include phrases such as “Singham varata parayaditchom paacha singam varata parayadichom” (Our flag will fly all over the country) and “Tamil Nadu will be better from now on.” The song also features comments on Vijay’s political entry and lines like “Eka unstain kai pudichi pogo porome” (We will hold a boundless hand).
Video Format Features Symbolic Imagery
The song is released in video format, featuring scenes that symbolize the party’s mission and values. These include:
– Scenes of going to the battlefield and fighting with elephants, representing strength and courage
– Images of Jallikattu bulls, symbolizing traditional Tamil culture
– Pictures of people from all walks of life, such as auto workers and traders, highlighting the party’s commitment to unity and inclusivity
Leader-Flag Connection Emphasized
The song’s visuals also showcase the close relationship between the leader and the people, with scenes of Vijay putting his hand on the shoulder of a supporter as the flag goes up.