Chennai: The Directorate of Private Schools has warned that strict action will be taken against private schools that conduct camps without the permission of parents and district education officers. This action has been taken following the incident of the sexual assault of a 13- year-old schoolgirl and 12 others were sexually abused at a fake NCC camp held at a private school in Tamil Nadu’s Krishnagiri district.
“Strict action will be taken against schools conducting camps without permission”
“Strict action will be taken if NCC and other camps are conducted in private schools without permission. Organizations like NCC, NSS, SCOUT and JRC are functioning in private self-financing schools. Those systems should be duly registered and approved by the state organization to implement them in schools. No organization should function in a school without properly trained teachers. Coaching should be given to students only through male teachers and female teachers only,” Tamil Nadu Director of Private Schools Palanichamy said in a circular sent to all the district education officers in the state on Tuesday, August 20.
The Directorate of Private Schools has warned that strict action will be taken against schools conducting camps without permission and ordered that separate teachers should be appointed for male and female students in the camp.
Sexual assault at fake NCC camp in Tamil Nadu
The incident of sexualt assault of a school girl by the organiser at a fake NCC camp in the private school complex operating in Gandikuppam village near Bargur in Krishnagiri district has sent shockwaves across the state. Sivaraman (30) from Kaveripatnam has been arrested in connection with the crimes. Besides, 9 people including school prinicpal, correspondent, school teachers have been arrested.