New Delhi: The CBI has got court’s permission to carry out a polygraph test on former Principal of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital Dr Sandeep Ghosh and four other doctors in connection with the alleged rape and murder of a 31-year-old junior doctor on August 9. The CBI has taken over the probe from the Kolkata Police after a directive from the Calcutta High Court and has grilled Ghosh multiple times.
According to sources, everyone expressed their consent in front of the judge and after their consent, the judge accepted the polygraphy application of CBI and gave permission.
The federal probe agency has also applied in the court for prime accused Sanjay Roy’s polygraphy test, but it could not produce him. On Thursday, in the Supreme Court, the CBI said that it has taken permission for Sanjay Roy’s polygraphy test, and the process is going on which the Supreme Court asked the lower court to take a decision tomorrow. Sanjay Roy has already undergone a psychological test.
According to sources, it is possible that on Friday, Sanjay Roy will be presented in the CBI court and his testimony will be recorded before the judge and after that, he will undergo a polygraphy test.
Overall, now there will be a polygraphy test of six characters related to this case which could reveal the details of the horror of that night. Sanjay Roy, former principal Sandeep Ghosh, and four trainee doctors, who had dinner with the deceased for the last time, will undergo polygraphy test, which could throw up the dark secrets.
Inconsistencies in Sandeep Ghosh’s response
The CBI sought the court’s nod for the lie-detection test because of alleged inconsistencies in Ghosh’s responses during interrogation.
“We want to further verify Ghosh’s answers, as there have been discrepancies in some of the replies to our questions. Therefore, we are mulling over the option to conduct a polygraph test on him,” an unnamed official had been quoted as saying by news agency PTI.