Chennai: The 24-hour armed police protection provided to the houses of political party leaders including Premalatha Vijayakanth- DMDK chief, Tamilisai Soundrarajan, former Governor and Tamil Nadu BJP leader and Tamil Nadu congress chief Selvaperunthagai in Tamil Nadu has now been withdrawn. The decision follows a consultation meeting held every six months to assess the security requirements of protected individuals.
Security withdrawal based on intelligence assessment
“A consultation meeting is held once every 6 months regarding the police protection provided to the houses of political party leaders and others. The security was withdrawn after it was found that there was no threat to them as per intelligence information. At the same time, police protection was withdrawn after all the three leaders were informed about the same,” a senior police officer attached to the Greater Chennai police said.
Previous security arrangements
When the late DMDK leader Vijayakanth was the leader of the opposition, 5 armed policemen were on security duty at his Saligram house in Chennai. Similarly, former BJP leader Tamilisai Soundrarajan, when he was the Governor of Telangana and Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry, had 5 policemen armed with guns guarding his house in Chennai. Similarly, Tamil Nadu Congress Committee chief Selvaperunthagai was given police protection at his home after he claimed that he had threats.
It is to be noted that security was provided to them 24 * 7 on a rotating basis.