New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Monday released its first list of 44 candidates for the upcoming Jammu and Kashmir Assembly elections. The party has selected Arshid Bhat for Rajpora, Javed Ahmad Qadri for Shopian, and Mohd. Rafiq Wani for Anantnag West. Adv. Syed Wazahat will run from Anantnag, Sushri Shagun Parihar from Kishtwar, and Gajay Singh Rana from Doda.
The announcement comes after a meeting of the BJP Central Election Committee on Sunday, chaired by JP Nadda. The meeting included participation from Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, and other key committee members. The CEC has endorsed the candidates for the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly Elections 20.