Chennai: After staying away from campus recruitment last year, India’s top IT companies including Tata Consulting Services (TCS) and Cognizant have announced that they will visit colleges in September for recruitment. The announcement has brought back the lost hope for the students and experts say it is now for the students to make use of it by skilling themselves and trying to get a good ‘project’ ready as there might not be bulk recruitment. “Students with good programming skills and projects in the latest technologies, will have the chances,” said an expert.
Why did TCS, Congnizant skipped campus interview last year?
India’s top IT companies — bulk recruiters in engineering colleges – skipped campus placements last year due to weak demand environment and an excess freshers’ bench. This had left Tamil Nadu’s engineering colleges into shock, especially tier-2 and tier-3 categories that send a large number of graduates to the sector.
The State’s 500 plus engineering colleges churn out thousands of graduates every year, with a sizeable number going to the IT sector.