New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Wednesday sought a response from the Tihar Jail authorities on a plea filed by Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh claiming he was denied permission to meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in Tihar Jail on the ground that he was a former prisoner.
Tihar Jail authorities have denied permission to physically meet Kejriwal in Tihar Jail, Singh claimed
Singh has claimed that the Tihar Jail authorities have denied him permission to physically meet Kejriwal in the jail citing Rule 588 of the Delhi Prison Rules which says that “ex-prisoners and habitual offenders, who apply to see their friends lodged in a prison, may not be permitted such interview by the superintendent unless and until there exist a genuine reason for such interview”.
Justice Neena Bansal Krishna, while hearing Singh’s plea, granted three days to the Tihar Jail authorities to file their response to Singh’s petition and listed the matter for further hearing on September 9.
Kejriwal is currently lodged in judicial custody in Tihar Jail in excise policy-linked corruption case
Kejriwal is currently lodged in judicial custody in Tihar Jail in excise policy-linked corruption case registered by the Central Bureau of Investigation in connection with alleged irregularities in the formulation and implementation of the now-scrapped Delhi Excise Policy. He was also arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in the excise policy-linked money laundering case but he was granted interim bail by the Supreme Court.
Singh was earlier lodged in judicial custody in Tihar Jail in excise policy-linked money laundering case
Singh was also arrested in the excise policy-linked money laundering case and he was lodged in the judicial custody in Tihar Jail till he was granted bail by the Supreme Court on April 2.
Earlier, AAP Rajya Sabha MP Sandeep Kumar Pathak had also approached the High Court seeking a direction to the Tihar Jail authorities to allow him a physical meeting with Kejriwal in the Tihar Jail. The High Court has reserved its order on Pathak’s plea after hearing submissions from him and the Tihar Jail authorities.