New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Friday, while transferring the probe into the death of three civil services aspirants in a basement of a coaching centre in Old Rajendra Nagar last week, also ordered for the constitution of a committee headed by the Chief Secretary of Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) for a re-look at administrative, financial and physical infrastructure of the national capital, saying that “There are too many authorities and no accountability.”
Physical, financial and administrative infrastructure of Delhi are all outdated: High Court
A bench comprising Acting Chief Justice Manmohan and Justice Tushar Rao Gedela, while ordering for the constitution of the committee, said, “The bigger picture needs to be looked at. There is a fundamental problem in the city of Delhi that is physical, financial and administrative infrastructure are all outdated and not in accordance with the requirements of the present day.”
The other members of the committee, which has been directed by the High Court to submit its report within eight weeks, will also include the vice chairman of the Delhi Development Authority, Delhi Police Commissioner and MCD Commissioner.
City needs a more robust financial and administrative infrastructure with population in excess of three crores: HC
The High Court observed that due to various subsidy schemes, the migration in the national capital is only increasing and its population is also increasing, the financial health of the MCD is not healthy and the city needs a more robust financial and administrative infrastructure with population in excess of three crores.
The High Court also recorded that the civic agencies do not have funds to carry out major infrastructure projects, taking note that the MCD failed to pay salaries to its employees for months and it was done only after the threat of contempt by the court and the precarious financial condition of DUSIB.
Infrastructure not only inadequate but poorly maintained as well: High Court
“Physical infrastructure in Delhi was laid nearly 75 years ago. The infrastructure is not only inadequate but poorly maintained as well, the High Court observed and added, “Recent tragedies show that the orders of the court are not implemented and are treated as water over duck’s back and multiple authorities in Delhi are only passing the buck.”
The High Court further observed that in the absence of Standing Committee, no contract of more than Rs 5 crore can be awarded by MCD Commissioner and even for the GNCTD to get a new project sanctioned is not easy because no cabinet meeting has been held for months and there is no certainty when the next cabinet meeting will be held.
“Keeping in view the aforesaid, there is no wonder Delhi is going from one crisis to another. One day there is a drought and the next day there is a flood,” the High Court said and added, “It is time that administrative, financial and physical infra of Delhi is relooked at. The mindset of Delhi administrators must change. Everything cannot be a freebie.”