New Delhi: In a shocking case reported from New Delhi, a 10-year-old boy reportedly brought a gun to school. The incident was reported from the Green Valley School in Deepak Vihar. The police were immediately informed about the incident and they reached the premises of the school for further investigation.
Police recover gun, boy’s mother summoned
When the police reached the school, they questioned the boy and then proceeded to check his bag. The gun was recovered from the school bag of the student, said the officials.
A report in NDTV said that after the recovery of the gun from the bag of the student, the school management called his mother. Upon reaching the school the woman revealed that the gun belonged to the boy’s father, who had died. The death had taken place just a few months back.
The mother of the school boy claimed that she had taken out the gun to deposit it at the police station. The gun also had a valid license, she claimed. It was while getting ready for school that the boy picked up the pistol and took it to school.
The police then verified the claim of the woman that it was a licensed gun. Upon checking the documents they found that she was telling the truth. The police said that no cognisable offence was committed in the entire matter and they closed the case.