Bengaluru: In a shocking case reported from Bengaluru, a 24-year-old man inhaled helium gas and died by suicide. The man was identified as Yagnik, who was a resident of Karnataka. The incident happened at a hotel in the city, the police said.
Hotel staff discovered body of youth
The man was a resident of Karnataka’s Hassan district and he had taken a room at the hotel. He worked at IT firm Wipro in Bengaluru. The police said that he had taken the hotel room on rent to prepare for the MTech examinations.
On Tuesday after Yagnik did not respond to calls and repeated knocks on the room door, the hotel staff got worried, They decided to check on him and opened the room’s door using a spare key. They discovered that he was lying unconscious in the room.
The hotel staff immediately rushed him to hospital and also called the police. Unfortunately however, the doctors at the hospital declared the youth ‘brought dead’. The police said that they are investigating the reasons for the death. So far there is no clue as to what led the man to take the extreme step.
The family members of the deceased have been informed and the police are waiting for them to turn up so that they can take further action in the case. A post mortem of the body may be conducted after the family arrives and gives consent for the same.
In another case, reported from Delhi, a nurse was found dead in the New Ashok Nagar area. The incident came to light when neighbours discovered her body in the rented room where she lived. Police discovered several syringes and empty bottles of medicines from the pl;ace, indicating that she died of a drug overdose.